12:30 to 6:30
1:00 to 2:15
Adobe Workshop: CS2 Brush-Up
Scott Citron
Computer Lab - Room 145
Given the depth of Adobe's Creative Suite, how's a user to know all the gems hidden inside Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, or Acrobat? In this session, Scott will show how to get the most from these amazing products by uncovering some of their most important (and least understood) features.
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The Art and Craft of Teaching
Bob Price (
How do I get my students to participate in class discussions?
How do I succeed with a large number of students?
What are some tips for the first day of class?
How do I handle difficult students?
What can I do to get my students to excel?
How do I help my students to "get it"?
How do I facilitate a lively and productive crit?
This workshop is a hands-on experience where you‚ ¨!"ll learn a variety of techniques and strategies to make your classroom experience more successful. The sessions include many practical tips you can use right away.
Peer Coaching
Powerful Questions
additional tools
3:00 to 4:15
Adobe Workshop: CS2 For Super-Power Users
Scott Citron
Computer Lab - Room 145
So you know the CS apps pretty well and you're ready to push on to the next level. In this session, Scott will show you how to super-charge your workflow by while using Adobe Bridge, Photoshop Actions, Scripting, Acrobat Form Recognition, Adobe Connect, and an arm-load of advanced techniques throughout the entire Suite. Time permitting, Scott will also demonstrate how to create interactive PDFs with buttons, links, and embedded movies and sounds directly from InDesign. Not for the timid.
Q & A with 20 Outstanding Los Angeles Designers In 1986
Archie Boston
A film on graphic design in the Los Angeles area created in 1986 stars Los Angeles designers Saul Bass, Douglas Boyd, Keith Bright, Jim Cross, John Cleveland, Louis Danziger, April Greiman, Ken Parkhurst, Jack Roberts, Bob Runyan, Don Weller (Weller Institute for the Cure of Design), and many more. These interviews share a conversation with these illustrious designers on their views, working environment, and work, as well as questions about their education, design style, idols or mentors, advice to students and teachers, and the evolution of graphic design in Los Angeles.
Print Processes Workshop
David Mayes
Faculty Dining Room
This presentation is targeted to help design educators prepare students for buying print and working with printers to get the best results out of the process. The workshop will discuss everything from file preparation, to the most common mistakes (as well as ways to avoid them) to the latest in print technology. We’ll also cover stochastic screening, internet-based file submission and proofing and color management, as well as estimating. The importance of clear specifications that enable a successful partnership with your printer will top off the discussion.
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5:00 to 6:15
6:30 to 7:30
Welcome: Organizers and Programmers.
Adobe: Claire Irwin
Ahmanson Auditorium
Keynote Address: Peter Turchi
Director, MFA writing program at Warren Wilson College,
Asheville, North Carolina. Poet, novelist, educator,
and author of Maps of the Imagination.
8:15 to 6:00
8:00 to 8:50
Continental Breakfast
9:00 to 10:30
Main Stage Panel
Ahmanson Auditorium
Where is the discipline heading and
in what contexts will graphic designers be working?
{ Part I: from realists with high ideals }
Jens Gehlhaar
Creative Director, Brand New School, Santa Monica
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Somi Kim
Creative Director, Ogilvy Big, Los Angeles
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Alice Twemlow, Moderator
10:45 to 11:45
Breakout sessions A
How is Curriculum Anticipating Emerging Practices?
Moderator: Anne Burdick, Art Center College of Design
Christopher Vice: Design Leadership MFA at Herron
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Holly Willis: Media to Think With: USC’s Institute for Multimedia Literacy
Anne Burdick: Names for Design That Doesn't Exist (yet): Neologisms for Neo-practices from the Media Design Program
Graphic Design Off the Page:
Graphic Design Beyond Print and Screen-based Media
Los Angeles Times Media Center
Moderator: Nik Hafermaas, Art Center College of Design
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Stephanie Cunningham: Public Art is Design in Disguise
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Natalia Ilyin: Beyond “good” design principles
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Maureen Carter: Breaking down the walls of predictability
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Look Left, Look Right, Look Up, Look Back: History, Theory, Writing and other Literacy in Studio
Faculty Dining Room
Moderator: Lorraine Wild, California Institute of the Arts
Leslie Becker: Piercing the Surface with Ethical Decisions: A Paradigm for Thinking While Making
Michael Golec: The Practice of Research and Writing Design History: A Studio Application
Elizabeth Guffy: Words and Spaces: Literature and the Geography of Graphic Design
12:00 to 1:00
Breakout sessions B
Models for Cross-, Trans-, Multi- Disciplinary Practice
Los Angeles Times Media Center
Moderator: Lance Carlson, Alberta College of Art and Design
Hugh Dubberly: The Rise of Service-Craft: Implications for Disciplinarity
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Dori Tunstall: An Anthropologist in our Midst: Graphic Design, Research, and emerging Anthrodesigners
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Geoff Fried: What About the "Design" in "Graphic Design?" A Cognitive Evolutionary Approach
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Literature, Graphic Design, and Literacy
Moderator: Susan Yelavich, Parsons The New School for Design
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Dmitri Siegel: Undesigning Melville's Bartleby the Scrivener
Julia Lupton: Thinking with Shakespeare: Design and Literature
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Research, Research Practice, Practice?
What Good is a Terminal Degree?
Faculty Dining Room
Moderator: Meredith Davis, North Carolina State University
Meredith Davis: Sorting out the Research Dilemma
NC State Grad Student: AIGA Research Database Project
Sean Donahue/Lisa Nugent: Discovery through Clarity and Ambiguity: Advancing a Research Practice
Scott Townsend: Is there a question here? Developing critical positions in new media and the role of the graduate seminar
1:00 to 2:15
Brown bag provided in the cafeteria
2:30 to 4:00
Main Stage Panel
Ahmanson Auditorium
Where is the discipline heading and in what contexts
will graphic designers be working?
{ Part II: from Pragmatic Utopians }
Allan Chochinov Editor-in-Chief, Core 77, New York
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Peter Lunenfeld Executive Editor, MediaWorks Pamphlets, Los Angeles
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Alice Twemlow, Moderator
4:15 to 5:15
Breakout sessions C
The Thorny Generalist/Specialist Question
Los Angeles Times Media Center
Moderator: Kali Nikitas, Otis College of Art and Design
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Tyler Galloway: Creating the Strategic Generalist
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Doug Kisor and Alex Braidwood: Design Education and the Constancy of Change
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Lisa Abendroth (presentation by Kelly Monico with Bryana Sylvester and Elysia Syriac): Tryptych:
Perspectives on the formulation and effective of a college design curriculum
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Eclectic Forays
Moderator: Dmitri Siegel Download Paper
Will Temple: The Vicissitudes of Software
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David Cabianca: I know it when I see it: graphic violence, graphic sex and now; graphic design
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Yeohyun Ahn and Gregory May: The Power of Processing: Reviewing the Potential Impact of a Simple Programming Language
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Models for Integrating Media in Graphic Design Studios
Faculty Dining Room
Moderator: Terry Stone, California Institute of the Arts
Kelly Leslie: Cut and Post: Online Delivery of Design Education
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Chad Reichert: Technology as Community
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5:30 to 6:30
Breakout sessions D
Expanding Design Opportunities in Research Universities
Faculty Dining Room
Moderator: Christopher Vice, Indiana University Herron School of Art and Design
Michael Gibson: Creating Viable, Interdisciplinary Research Partnerships between Designers and People
in Universities who haven’t been to design school
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Stacie Rohrbach and Suguru Ishizaki: How do we teach and learn visual communication design? Toward the Development of an Interdisciplinary Research Community
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David Morgan: Navigating Collaborative Projects
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Designing for Multiple Devices
Moderator David Womack
Tracy Kroop: New Information Spaces: dialogue between dynamically generated information and the environment
Brian Lucid: From Composition to Choreography: A Curriculum for Designing Dynamic Content
Kelly Monico: Techno-Design: A New Way of Teaching for the Digital Age
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Designing Systems for Designing
Los Angeles Times Media Center
Moderator Hugh Dubberly
William Drenttel: Systems for creating visual unity: A case study
Shelley Evenson: Designing Service Systems
Isabel Meirelles: Representing Systems: A case study
8:30 to 9:00
Morning Stimulants
Morning coffee and fruit
9:00 to 10:30
Moderated Roundtable Discussions
Topics to be determined
10:45 to 11:15
Main Stage
Ahmanson Auditorium
Future of Design Software
Lydia Varmazis
Who will be the next the designer of future and what software solutions will they use? Now with the proliferation of user generated content on community sites such as YouTube and MySpace, the boundaries and barriers for creative expression are being challenged. Many similar concepts are enabling designers to experience sharing ideas with others to enhance design experiences and leverage the community in gaining design knowledge. A new series of web-hosted services from Adobe Labs, built on the Adobe Engagement Platform, bring together the design and developer community from the web into the Adobe Creative Suite desktop
11:15 to 12:45
Concluding address: Where is the discipline heading and in what contexts will graphic designers be working?
Main Stage Panel
William Drenttel and Jessica Helfand
Design Observer and Winterhouse, Connecticut
12:45 to 1:00
Extra-curricular activity during the entire conference
Mapping Project: Where is the discipline heading and in what contexts are graphic designers working?
N Silas Munro, Terry Stone, Chris Vice, Florencio Zavala
Download Final Thoughts
Download Mapping Process
We organize information on maps in order to see our knowledge in a new way. As a result, maps suggest explanations; and while explanations reassure us, they also inspire us to ask more questions, consider other possibilities.
—Peter Turchi, Maps of the Imagination
As the discipline of graphic design becomes more “media agnostic” we can no longer chart it's territories solely by the products of its practice. We must define the ever-“slippaging” borders of graphic design by the ideas and methodologies of its practitioners. What is depicted is an expanded, but ruptured field in constant flux. One that is loosely joined together by a wider definition of [graphic] “design as a conceptual operation.”
—N Silas Munro
During Schools of Thoughts 3 all conference attendees are invited to collaborate in creating a map of graphic design today. This map will attempt to locate graphic design at this very moment while considering what constitutes or delineates the current field and practice and in what direction it might be heading (or not). In Art Center cafeteria will be a magnetized chalkboard where you can write, draw, deviate, derive, dérive, pinpoint, and post. This collective activity will drive this work-in-progress (to wherever it ends). As we progress, we will be recording the procession of the map with periodic photographic documentation in order to preserve this—your most spontaneous form of scholarship.
Check out a mapping project done at CalArts
Event contacts
Panel Review Chair
Scott Hutchinson
[email protected]
Organizer and Programming
Louise Sandhaus
[email protected]
Organizer and Programming
Petrula Vrontikis
[email protected]
Denise Gonzales Crisp
[email protected]
Conference Web site